One of my favorite budget airlines, Air Berlin has friendly staffs, on time schedule, and even complimentary free drinks !!. Air Berlin is based in Germany, and I took the flight from Nuremberg to London. Unfortunately I never have the chance to take it the second time. Air Berlin is not the cheapest, but it has the best quality. Highly recommended.
Rating: 9.5
They claimed to be the biggest budget airlines in Europe. easyJet has many routes among various countries. Simply go to their website and see for yourself. The choice is endless. Sometimes the fare is so cheap that one can't comprehend how the company makes any sort of money. I took easyJet from Ljubljana (Slovenia) to London, and from London to Edinburgh. Flight was delayed an hour each but it was due to bad weather. One downside of easyJet is that if you have to change flights (as my case in London), you will have to wait for the luggage and check it again for the second flight. Oh, and you will have to pay for ANY checked luggage.
But hey, their plane looks pretty good.
Rating: 8.0

They also claimed to be the biggest budget airlines. Ryanair is based in Ireland. They are the definition of a budget airline (and they are also the cheapest and most stringent). Every service cost extra money. For example, check luggage, advance boarding pass and every thing you can think of. What's worst is that Ryanair utilizes GHETTO airport and SHITTY takeoff time (ie 6 AM in the morning or 11 PM at night so that airport fee will be lower). I took Ryanair from Glasgow to Paris, Glasgow to Rome and Rome back to Glasgow. For example, the flight to Rome & Paris departed from Glasgow at 6AM, which means you will have to leave the house at midnight, in the miserable Scottish weather, and take their shuttle bus and sacrifice a good night's sleep. Oh, and don't forget their ghetto airports. Glasgow Prestwick is 90 minutes away from the city. The Paris and Rome airports are two hours away from city centre. Hell, their Vienna airport is actually located in another country in Slovakia! I would not recommended if you have sufficient budget. Ryanair is for poor , young backpackers like me. But hey, their shitty departure time means you have an entire day to explore city once landed!
Rating: 6.0. you get what you paid for, not a cent more.

It's a smaller company located in central Europe. Took it from Edinburgh to Prague. Very typical for a budget airline. But I do like their services.
Rating: 8.0

Based in central Europe, Sky Europe is a small, yet fast growing airline. I took it from Krakow to Venice. Again, like Jet2, it is a typical budget airline. However I really like their service and their plane & logo looks good.
Rating: 8.2

It's a Scottish low cost airline. What makes it special is that it is based in Scotland. Anyway, it has transatlantic flights to NYC, Toronto and even Vancouver (amazing for such small company). I took it from Liverpool to JFK in New York. The flight itself is fine. But when we landed in JFK, the plane was stranded in the middle of the lot (we didnt have any boarding gate, or even buses to pick us up). We were stranded in the plane for twenty minutes. Oh well, at least it only cost less than $400 to fly from England to America!
Rating: 7.5

Doesn't belong to the budget airlines. BA, if you haven't heard, is the worst airlines on the planet in losing the luggage. It is baffling that such a big company has such notorious efficiency. But I am not all that surprised after spending some time in Britain. One of my Taiwanese friend had his luggage lost by BA. He was taking the flights from Taiwan to UK. Guess where they found the luggage after 6 month?
The luggage was found in United States of America. Amazing how the luggage can get so lost.
Anyway, I took BA from London to Geneva, and from Paris to Edinburgh. Thankfully they didn't lose my luggage.
Rating: 8.0 (if they don't lose your luggage)
Rating: -9.85 (if they lose your luggage, chances are you won't ever see it again)
Finally, just for your information the best website for checking the air fares in Europe is Sky Scanner. Have fun~