February 09, 2008

PARIS. Awwwwwwwww. Christmas Eve. Part 1

So here it is. One of the definite highlights of my journey.

Paris, the centre of the universe, didn't disappoint me at all. Neither did the French hospitality. 
I went in fully expected to be robbed or mugged. In my first night, my only French roommate stole €200 from my wallet, and I was robbed further €20 in a club on the second day. 

Amazing. Bravo. You fuckers. 

But anyway, I REALLY loved Paris. I think it can be the greatest city on earth if it is inhabited by anyone but the French.  :)

This is going to be the first of many (I hope) French posts. The first entry will cover my first impression of Paris, and then I will venture into the greatest museum on earth, the Louvre

Remember last entry about Ryanair?? Take off at 5:50 AM when the sky is still pitch black

Louvre Metro stop. Looks like a museum.

beautiful Seine

the buildings are just... beautiful and elegant

The Great Pyramid of Paris...